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Its good !

(1 edit) (+1)

Hold up, This is genius!!! I LOVE IT!
If this ended up on steam, it would not surprise me.

I can't believe this is a Scratch project. Holy hell.


The pixel art is nice and pleasant, and the music is really good! Gets you in the mood to slowly strategize. I also enjoy both the intro and the ending of the game!

I really like the incorporation of the walls, and not only that, but of the upgrade that lets you take advantage of said walls. Also, the upgrade to get one move after killing an enemy is an absolute godsend and makes getting into further waves possible.

This game is a very interesting version of chess with roguelike aspects, and I really enjoyed it. I ran into no glitches and it ran as smoothly as butter. Just wish I was a bit better at chess. 😅

I made it to round 12. Awesome game!


Great Game!


Such a polished game and there is ton of depth just because of the chess rulesets.



I really enjoy this game. Would love to see how much father you take it


very fun


does it end after four rounds? sad :(

You have the option to continue your run after the canonical "ending". I doubt you'll be able to get past wave 8 though ;)


I am not a fan of the resolution but nicely done!

(1 edit) (+1)

this is fun!

most of the feedback i have has already been said by other people, but i'm not a huge fan of the font - it's not easy to read, the chaining upgrade is extremely op and maybe you could have an upgrade that warns you if you're about to move on a defended square


Great concept!


im not good at chess, BUTTTTT 10/10! Its so fun!

(1 edit) (+1)

So good!


Just a heads up: the MIT licence doesn't require that modifications are released under the same licence. It requires that your copyright is always licensed under the same terms, but not other people's copyright that builds on top of it. If you want to require modifications to also be open-source, you should consider a copyleft licence (source).

Thanks for the heads up, I'll review which license I want tomorrow 👍


incredibly simple yet effective game, could see myself getting addicted to it, if you ever decide to add more having a way to unlock all the chess pieces as playable characters would be awesome, with a challenge mode where your a pawn or king or smth, you could also try doing something with the king or check, just some thoughts i had, super impressive work!


Really neat and simple to understand idea that makes for a fun lil game!


Hi, loved the game, I'm not sure if anyone already mentioned this but I found a small bug (or feature haha). If you click fast enough on a tile after already moving you get to kill an enemy before they make their move, happened when I had to knights right next to eachother, killed one then spammed click onto the next (forgot I lost the double move powerup lol)


Interesting, no one's done this before. I'll be sure to fix it after the jam!


Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner. Best game I've played so far. Good job!


great idea!


 Very fun game! Ramps up in difficulty well through each of the waves. 


Really Nice, Fun, Addictive Game, I enjoyed it :)


Well constructed game, with some addiction built in! The bonus levels are great. I felt like the weapon!


So addictive. Can't for the life of me get past wave 2 haha.


Great fun. 😊 It becomes very complex very quickly with multiple pieces chasing you.
I especially like the simple polished art style. Works well on mobile too.

(2 edits) (+1)

Really nice and simple game! I feel some sort of indication of either where enemies can move, or if enemies can kill you on the next turn would be great. In later waves, the amount of enemies would be a little too much to keep track of where each one moves.

I tried the upgrade where enemies avoid the firelight and killed an enemy that was half covered by the firelight, but was killed right after that, not sure if the entire tile needs to be covered by firelight for the upgrade to work.

The font also seems a little too big for the upgrades, making the words hard to read as they’re split to a different line many times.

You get to see a Censor v0.6.0 on game over if you have the game in full screen, not sure if this was intended.

Odd , haven't encountered that before. Unfortunately I had two backgrounds, the censor and the black color from it, and I wanted to export with the back bg so it didn't look as buggy if it showed up but time pressure got me and I forgot :[

As far as the firelight power I tried to make it clear where the firelight was (3 tiles squared) and if I had more time I was going to add a particle effect on tiles with "firelight" when you have Wards. Also, pieces avoid it typically but will break this rule if it kills you on that move. This was not obvious enough which was an oversight :(

As far as the font I used PICO-8's regular size which is cramped but legible. I considered using the puny font instead but it's just  much harder to read.

And finally, as far as an indication on where to move I had considered it as a feature or even a card but I ultimately decided that it makes the game too trivial.

Thanks for playing, and for the excellent feedback :>

Hope to see it updated! Perhaps a font size change for the PICO-8 could work? It doesn’t have to be too small, just enough for most text to be in the same line without hyphens

After the jam I'm going to move the descriptions to horizontal bubbles when you hover over the card, giving them more space and the cards can have a picture


So simple yet addictive, that's a good game mechanic right there


This was way better than my already high expectations from the title and popularity, had a lot of fun getting jumped by bishops from slightly of screen /gen.
I would love to see this developed further, maybe giving some of the opposing pieces some of your buffs as you get stronger, like giving bishops orthogonal movement or knights having diagonal too.
The extra move power is very fun, but also tends to completely undermine the opposing pieces trying to protect each other. Not sure how i would balance that if it was my game though, since making it only work every other turn or something feels unintuitive and would be weird to show to the player?
Regardless, incredible work here, kudos to you

I thought about upgrading the enemies when you did, but I was already ripping off Shotgun king enough (hehe) and making more cards / features was out of scope for the 2 weeks. Also, behind the scenes the game is basically held at gunpoint to offer you Bloodlust early because it's so important. Thanks for the feedback 😄


Great game! Love the visuals and just the feel overall, incredible amount of polish for a two week jam.


so cool. very addictive


That was great! High level of polish and very challenging gameplay. I enjoyed the aesthetic though I wish the font was more legible.

Thanks for the feedback! :) Are there any changes you would make to letters to make them easier to read without changing the resolution?


I can't believe how simple yet awesome this idea is! Really hope to see more in the future. Even though I get beaten up enough as is... As do some other people apparantly haha


I gotta ask, is developer a fan of the knight? B/c it would be hard to do this game with any piece other than the rock like it is. But there are so many knights attacking in pairs and triples as they do. I love it!

Knight would definitely be my first pick for another player character. Also coding their movement was a lot of fun 😄

(1 edit) (+1)

Simple, effective, great idea ! The queen gives me trouble cause i'm bad, but fantastic work !


Adding about the AI. F you man hahaha :)

Hehe they do tend to protect each other a lot

Those pawns like to hold formation haha


As people have stated below, Awesome game! Would love a version where the knight is the piece because knights are cool! Hope you win!


Hey Man-o-Valor,

This game is so good! What a cool take on chess and vampire-survivor mechanics. The art, sound and music all worked well together and gameplay felt strategic and fun. There does seem to be some bugs with some power-ups. The muddy one completely froze the bishops and queens, they wouldn't move or attack. I also killed everything on screen but the game wouldn't progress (perhaps an enemy stuck off screen). I may have just understood wrong but the non-pawn moving to adjacent tile power-up didn't work the way I thought it would and lost a run. Is it that they can't move to tiles next to them? But I guess they can still attack. Anywho, those little bugs aside I had a really great time playing this and would be excited to see this polished up into a full game!

I streamed my playthrough of the game (the video has chapters). Check it out:

I have created a Discord as a space for game devs to talk about their experiences and share their games. Would love to have you join!

That powerup means that the pieces that aren't pawns will not end their turn next to your space. Same for the wards powerup, where they will try not to move into the space next to a flame, but they'll still move onto your space if they can take your piece in that move.

Thanks for the feedback, though! :)

Oh that makes much more sense! I figured I just was misunderstanding. Thanks for clearing that up!

No problem! :)

Thanks for the feedback! Only a few people have encountered the rare softlock bug, and unfortunately I can't fix it. If I'd had a few more days I would have worked more on the clarity of those deterring upgrades. Not sure why Muddy bugged though, that exact issue was patched yesterday and no one mentioned it since.

Ah yeah I checked your footage from yesterday so that issue with the Muddy card is fixed now

Another detail I'd like to point out that you probably didn't notice what that RLS was made in the kids' block programming language Scratch (out of spite and for fun) :)


That's incredible!


Now that's a very different interpretation of the theme, very cool


I'd pay for this game if I could play it on my android

It's possible in theory

yeah, get those theories into practice, I wanna get addicted ahha


Happy to finally be able to check it out after seeing many previews in the discord. :D

Well made game!

(1 edit) (+1)

love this ; awesome audio too

As the person who did the music for this project (and as my first time making music at all): Thank you, that means a lot!

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